KTI – Plersch

Ice Conveying & Ice Weighing

In addition to the production of ice, proper transport and conveying is also of enormous importance in order to achieve the best performance with the KTI ice plants. In the handling of ice, weighing also plays a major role, since, for example, an exact amount of ice must be metered during ice sales.
KTI – Plersch

Ice Conveying & Ice Weighing at a Glance

KTI – Plersch

Ice conveying systems

Ice Conveying & Ice Weighing
Concrete Cooling & Concrete Heating Ice for Fish & Seafood All-weather snowmaking Mine cooling Ice plants for pigment production Refrigeration of Food & Beverage
- Fast, safe and efficient ice handling
- Long service life due to heavy-duty materials
- Customized solutions for every customer
- For each type of ice the right equipment for transport and handling
- Economical and reliable solutions for ice transport
KTI – Plersch

Ice weighing systems

Ice Conveying & Ice Weighing
Concrete Cooling & Concrete Heating Ice for Fish & Seafood Ice plants for pigment production Refrigeration of Food & Beverage
- Automated weighing of ice
- Long service life due to heavy-duty materials
- Customized sealing solutions for every customer requirement
- Ice sales system for optimal billing

Ice Conveying & Ice Weighing

Your advantages

KTI has proven ice handling solutions in its portfolio for many years. The heavy-duty raw materials ensure a long service life of the equipment. Basically, customers can choose to convey the ice pneumatically or with a screw conveyor. For further processing and transporting the ice, ice weighing systems are required, which are available from KTI in three versions:
  • Batch weighing via a weighing hopper
  • Batch weighing via a weighing screw conveyor
  • Continuous weighing via weighing belt or weighing auger
KTI – Plersch

Ice conveying & ice weighing in practice

Ice for Fish & Seafood
Africa Europe

An ice filling station for La Reunion

Ice plants for pigment production

Ice production with fully automated ice conveying for process optimization in chemical plant

KTI – Plersch

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