KTI – ice4fish
The speed of cooling fish and seafood is crucial
Spoilage of fish or seafood is a natural process caused by bacteria and enzymatic changes along with chemical reactions with oxygen. A Fast cooling of the products slows down this process and prolongs the shelf life of your products.
Therefore it is a absolute must, cool the catch as soon as possible. Putting the fish on ice is the most effective way to keep it for a keep fresh for a long period. Temperature control of products is the most decisive and critical factor in the entire value chain - from catch to consumption.
"For every hour that fresh fish is NOT refrigerated after it is caught, it loses a full day of shelf life!"KTI's solutions contribute to the development of sustainable fisheries management by providing effective cooling options. The use of ice is of paramount importance in the fishing industry, both for the immediate chilling of fish already on board and for further processing and packaging on land.
KTI – ice4fish
Your advantages with the right cooling
Increased quality and long durability
through fastest cooling
Easier and faster processing
due to firmer meat
Higher earning power
by avoiding waste
Safety in the process
through automatic ice production, storage, and transport
KTI – ice4fish
What is the best way to chill fish?
The best way to chill fish is with ice. The extensive range of KTI ice plants is suitable for fishermen, fishmongers, fish processors and fish farms alike. The combination with our refrigerated mobile ice storage facilities allows large quantities of ice to be buffered, which can then be loaded at high speed when required. As a result, fishing fleets are well prepared to move out quickly. Likewise, in fish processing, production peaks can be well intercepted.
The KTI ice plants produce different types of ice such as flake ice, slab ice, slurry ice or block ice. Depending on the application, the most suitable ice has to be selected.
All KTI plants have one thing in common: They provide the best quality ice to cool the caught fish or seafood optimally and as quickly as possible.
KTI – ice4fish
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Ice plants for fishing & fish processing
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